
Know about Kawasaki Disease

What is Kawasaki Disease?
Kawasaki disease is a rare childhood illness that affects the blood vessels. Kawasaki disease is an acute febrile vasculitis syndrome of early childhood that, although it can be cured with treatment, can lead to death from coronary artery aneurysm (CAA) in a very small percentage of patients if not diagnosed early. The disease is most common in children up to ages 5 years and is less common in children older than age 8. It is not contagious.

Symptoms Of Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki disease produces prolonged fever along with various other symptoms that includes the following:
  • A fever lasting at least 5 days.
  • Red eyes.
  • Rashes on stomach, chest and genitals
  • Swollen, red, cracked lips.
  • Swollen tongue with small bumps (called strawberry tongue)
  • Swollen, red feet and hands.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Kawasaki Disease
If a patient has 4 or more of the above symptoms, Kawasaki disease can be diagnosed on day 4 of the fever. Two urine proteins, Meprin A and Filamin C , have shown to be the diagnosing needs of Kawasaki disease. 
Echocardiography (ECG) is the study of choice to evaluate for coronary artery aneurysms. Several ECGs have to be taken to keep a track on the treatment and the progress of the patient and to avoid complications, since it is related to heart and its arteries.

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